cause i don't feel like talking.

but i have something to say.

Sunday, October 09, 2005

back!!!!!!!!!!! whewwww

hi eevrybody!!! just finished my theory exam..quite tough la, but managed to do it =P i was being extra extra careful...trying not to make any mistake...hahahahaha. there's 1 quiestion i dont know..the german term...i was like staring blankly at it cuz i din study german terms..then i looked at the piece, then i tembak lor...hahaha..den i checked my book, it was correct!!!! i was like so darn happi.....thank U so much O Lord....n also thanks to all my dear friends who had prayed for me...U guys are the best!! but overall the exams was ok la, compared to this year's earlier ones our end of the year one was a little bit so happy now..thanks alot Lord!! U were there with me, guiding and holding my hand....Gracious God, thank you so much! You are indeed the best!!!

sooooooooo happy!! wakakakakakakakaka smile owez!! @_@