cause i don't feel like talking.

but i have something to say.

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

jay j

today. monday. erm everything seemed fine. except for some problems . then arguments. urgh. sometimes i just hate the world around me. its normal for me to be very happy, and then be sad. its normal kayz. im not an extreme person that can change drastically. the world is such a peaceful place. and now, it is filled with darkness and sadness. many people commit suicide everyday. depression. what causes depression? lots of problems. relationships,family problems and the list goes on. i do regret doing something in the past. and i cried over it. but i know that i must walk straight. we should not regret for what we did. or cry because it happened. in fact, we should smile because it happened. we dont know what will happen tomorrow. but we must hold on to ourselves and think positively. yesterday was history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift, and that is why we call it present! to succeed, we must work hard. success wont come knocking on your door. imagine that success is something on a top of the mountain. will success roll down? definitely no! we need to climb the mountain. if one has no confidence in climbing the mountain,will she/he succeed? success is 1% inspiration and 99% persipiration (im not sure of the order, it could be vice versa). so do bear in mind, work hard, strive hard.