cause i don't feel like talking.

but i have something to say.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

A brief peep of my dearest computer :

Cute frog, eh? Perseverance and determination, are all you need, to achieve your goals and succeed. Mwahaha =) It's been weird these days that my thoughts are blocked and it doesn't seem to flow endlessly. Despite the fact that I can't seem to express my thoughts through alphabets and words, I shall evince my multitudinous feelings, euphoria and dysphoria, through soulful music and art. I shall post up some artwork sooner or later. A concise part of one particular song that perfectly describes my current position :

'You found me, when no one else was looking'

Haven't been designing blogskins lately. Couldn't get any inspiration. Apart from that, I'm also jam packed with stupid assignments
. The pile of assignments are stacked up in front of me like a mountain. Geez >.<
Ah. This doesn't belong to me. It belongs to a friend of mine who is incredibly good in music. The piano can actually decipher what I am trying to express. I made a promise to myself that I'll buy myself a grand piano with all my sweat and blood when I'm working. Hahahah.

Jeng Jeng Jeng! Smoking Smokie. Taddaa!

Cute, ain't she? Look at her chubby face and her lovely fur. So huggable! Hehe. But lo and behold, for the next picture :

Big difference, I reckon. Her face is much much sharper compared to her baby picture.

Smokie's on cloud nine when she sees this. Kwa Kwa >.<


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