cause i don't feel like talking.

but i have something to say.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Anyeonghaseyo! Yup, today's the day ; ) Skipped school today because I was jaded yesterday. Went 1U yesterday, shopped a bit though I wasn't fully satisfied and had a whole lot of fun. Bean Mooncake was the only guy there and he went shopping with us without grumbling. How sweet!He was embarrassed when Andrea decided to go the undergarments section to check out some new brassieres. Nevertheless, we enjoyed ourselves tremendously. I pierced my ears (again! =D) at Dragonfly. Andrea recorded the whole process and Bean Mooncake played 'London Bridge', hoping that it would ward off my fear. It worked though =)! No doubt that we did not have enough time, so we're planning a second trip there, providing I have cash and everything goes smoothly. One day before my birthday (which was yesterday), Bean Mooncake, Woo Jeh and I broke down all at the same time. 3 Musketeers - Sharing sadness and happiness together. You mourn, we mourn. You smile, we smile. You cry, we cry. We live by that and we're really proud of it. ;D

I'm starting to miss the good jolly times we had yesterday. It was just amusing! Hey people, how about a second trip to 1U? We'll rough it out :)


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