cause i don't feel like talking.

but i have something to say.

Saturday, March 11, 2006

blissful heaven. .

oh yeah, today was sports day. of course, victory belongs to the GREENS! we repeated history again. DONT MESS WITH THE COOL COZ THE COOL DONT FOOL, DONT FOOL WITH THE COOL COZ THE GREENS ALWAYS RULE! i was on duty today. Yuppe, for Leo. yet, it was filled with merriness. me and my friends laughed and guffawed throughout the whole day. an indeed memorable and unforgettable day. the holidays are here. Yupp, homework homework and more homework. today i'll be skipping tuition as i dont feel like going. im tired and exhausted. when i was sitting in one corner with my friend, some ape who came from an uncivilised planet poured glitter on me. my hair was shining like diamonds. my shirt looked like an armour. i still could not find the culprit. it was probably JY, as he always disturbs me. and i saw him holding the bottle of glitter. and that lame ape started the whole thing.

sometimes it is hard to get what we want and need. but why others can get whatever they want that easily? but not me? im just unsatiated. unsatisfied. and why is my life filled with problems coming continuously? the problems dont seem to get better. instead, it gets worse. my problems are like dead-ends to my life, where it is totally imfeasible for me to solve it. i just cant get the things which i long for. the chances are very very slim. its just impossible. sometimes i ponder and think, whether i can get through this. YES, i know that i need Faith right now. but things dont seem to amelioriate/get better. am i being impatient/raring? and it is just a matter of time? or im asking too much? Lord, please help me right now! i wanna build my Faith in You! Lord, i beg of You! i need Your help!!!

as i was writing this post, the song 'Heart Of Worship' was played in my WMP. i felt that God is talking to me right now, through the lyrics of this song. it touched me and made me cry. i cried because i was stirred. i believe that God was talking to me. at times when i am too tired, i tend to forget to pray. i feel a pinch of guilt. and i apologise to God. but i know that He is understanding. but yet, i know that it is my mistake. and i am willing to change for that.

after thinking for a few minutes, i have realised something. i should not ask for more of what has God given to me. i am truly blessed of what i have right now. i realized that i am a materialistic person. of course, i really want the things which i long for. but if God provides sufficiently for me, i am happy. i will never let the flame die. because i am growing in Him. spiritually. Jesus is my provider and shelter. thank You for loving me today, Jesus. i love You too.

i shall end my post here. i'll write more later.

JeHovaH JiReH,
mY ProVidEr,
HiS GraCe iS SuFFicienT FoR me!