cause i don't feel like talking.

but i have something to say.

Monday, June 05, 2006

One of the sights that always sends tingles throughout my body is that of elderly couples spending time with each other. Whether they are holding hands, sitting alongside each other on a park bench or nursing their sick spouses, these heart-warming scenes are wholesomely captured, etches and forever immortalized in my mind. Such simple pictures can stir my spirit, soothe my soul and gladden my heart. I ponder their beauty. But suddenly, my ruminatings are punctured by the depressing reality that our world today is instead replete with short-term relationships, fast-track living and self-serving attitudes.

How superficial and transient our flawed existences have become. Where is the permanence, unwavering commitment and steadfast love today? Today, we are living in the schizophrenic world of nonsense. Isn't that disapponting? Well, on countless times, God as graciously shine His light of wisdom into the crucible of my darkened world. Today, He reminds me that though the world is ever in flux, He is my immutable God. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. And His steadfast love is permanent and forever more. =)

[For the Lord is good and His love endures forever; His faithfulness continues through all generations] ~Psalm 100:5~


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