cause i don't feel like talking.

but i have something to say.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Tagged by my dearest Fii :)

1) Do this tag and answer all the questions in your own blog.
2) Delete question 20 and add one of your own questions instead.
3) Tag 8 other people.


1) What was your dream when you were a kid?
Erm. I wanted to be a chemist/fashion designer/veterinarian /songwriter/gynecologist, etc.

2) What was the happiest moment in your whole life?
When I'm fully healed from the wounds of the past, and how God touched me and brought me closer to His side.

3) What do you wish to have right now?
The semangat to celebrate Chinese New Year.

4) When was the last time you horse laughed?
All the time? Haha. :P

5) What did you realize recently?
Constant scrutinization is something which I have to face, from time to time. Be mentally prepared about endless criticism and BRING IT ON! xD

6) Which bad habit in you is the most unacceptable?
I procrastinate too much. And I always do things half-heartedly. IBangang betul lar!

7) When you are unhappy, what will you do?
Pour it all out to God, scribble my blog, or have a heart-to-heart talk with my heng dai chi muiz. :)

8) What are you afraid of losing?
Things that I have gam cheng (feelings) for.

9) Within 5 years, which target is the most realistic?
I'll probably be pursuing a Ph.D in Harvard University. Or perhaps I'll be a successful _____ (I'm still thinking what to pursue after SPM), that everyone would look up to. >_*

10) When you meet someone you like, will you hide or profess your feelings?
I used to believe 'If you don't ask, you don't get'. Right now, I still do live by that, but I've learned to go with the flow, and just bantai in whatever I do. xD

11) List out 3 kinds of people you cannot stand.
- Rude infidels
- Stupid people who live in denial
- Lala/Jinjang people who do not know how to dress properly. Such a faux pas, really! But they choose to think otherwise.

12) Define loneliness.
Emptiness, and knowing that you have no one to rely on, and yet, you wish for something which is not within your reach.

13) Are you satisfied with your life now?
Okok ler =,=

14) When was the most recent time you felt touched?
Few days ago.

15) Where is the most beautiful place that you have visited?
Err, shopping paradise/heaven? :P

16) A song that has been playing in your mind recently.
Leone Lewis - Bleeding Love.

17) If you could have a wish come true, what would it be?
To have endless wishes that will come true :D

18) Do you have anything to be worried or scared about lately?
How on earth I am going to survive in nooraihan's class! Mr Azmi has warned me beforehand, not to erm, slack and yak too much. LMAO! At the moment my left arm's freaking me out too. D:

19) If the world is going to end, what will you do?
Try to tell as many people as possible about the gospel. I might be labelled as a nincompoop, but, nevermind.

20) If you woke up naked (ggfied. LOL), and you realize that you're not you - you found out that you're a different gender, what would you do?
Look into the mirror and see how hot I am. And hook up with some erhem, hotties. :P

I shall tag.. Eileen, Andrea, Ivan, Esther... anyone!

Brb. Serious stuffs, later.


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